Decoded payload not showing in gateway's Live Data


I have made a script with which I am sending a CayenneLPP payload from a device to a gateway.

This works, so I see the CayenneLPP format in the Live Data of my device, showing as decoded_payload. See example below (I left the session key out) :
“uplink_message”: {
“session_key_id”: “/”,
“f_port”: 1,
“f_cnt”: 34,
“frm_payload”: “AWUJoQ==”,
“decoded_payload”: {
“luminosity_1”: 2465

However, this decoded_payload is not visible in the gateway. Only the frm_payload.

Is there a way to get the CayenneLPP decoded payload in the live data of the gateway?

Thanks in advance!

no… not at all

The reason you can’t see the decoded payload in the gateway live view is that the FRM payload part is encrypted. From the gateway perspective, this is just a piece of opaque data it knows nothing about (just its length) and it only passes this data on, for it to be decoded further in the backend where the decryption keys are actually known.