Dashboard Gateway Overview: Roundtrip times


what exactly is the TTN dashboard looking for to display “Roundtrip time (ms)” on the page “Gateway status”/“Gateway overview”?

Comparing two gateways (different models), one of them is displaying a RTT, the other is not with the following message instead:


This gateway still does have uplink and downlink messages though:

One difference between the gateways is that the one that DOES show RTT has a GPS connected and is transmitting class B beacons, which the other one has/does not. Is this a requirement to show RTT?


Gateway NOT showing RTT:

  1. If you do not use Class B devices it is better to disable the beacons. While transmitting a beacon the gateway can not receive uplinks so using beacons effectively reduces the uplink capacity of the gateway.

  2. GPS/Beacons are not related to RTT. The package forwarder and the protocol used to connect to TTN determine whether RTT can be calculated. The message regarding downlinks is misleading.