Crowdfunding EUI-64 block for DeviceEUI

I am in need for DeviceEUIs so I am thinking about starting a campaign on indiegogo to buy a MA-S block of EUIs.
As blocks cannot be resold I plan to sell “Identification module labels with unique EUI-64”.
For your donation, you would receive a page (pdf or physical A4 - I don’t know yet) containing labels with a block (at least 256) of unique EUI-64.
The price per one label would be less than 0.01Eur in case of PDF, in case of printed label depending on the used material.
Would anyone be interested in such a campaign?
Any ideas are welcome.

If I get at least 10 hearts for this post, I am starting it.

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Apart from the logistical nightmare for the purchaser of being given EUI’s on paper or label, you should consider your own logistical issues - 256 EUI’s per PDF would earn you €2.56 - which after payment processing fees etc is likely to be ~€2.

As the MA-S provides 28 user definable bits it would be simpler to just allocate a bit mask. And as 28 bits is 268,435,456 EUI’s, you may get more takers if you increase the allocation so that you have less people to deal with and increase the chances of success. 20 bits is 1,048,576 and can be shared 256 ways.

You may want to check on the legality of reselling the EUI’s.

Or just create officially unofficial EUI’s here: Random EUI or Key generator

Or buy Microchip EUI64 id chips: 24AA02E64 or 24AA025E64 - albeit at 0.30 £/€/$

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@danmaneu remember also if you are looking to run at high volumes of devices then most likely you will be better of with a private/cloud hosted instance of TTS (contact the TTI team directly) vs loading 10’s/100’s ku onto the TTS(CE) instance aka TTN V3… :wink:

Of course I wont be selling 00112233440000CD - 00112233440001CD … It will always be possible to cover the block by mask, so e.g. 0011223344000000 - 00112233440000FF or 0011223344000000 - 0011223344000400 etc. I’m not decided on the smallest block size yet.

My idea about the price was about 10Eur per smallest unit which would be several 256s, maybe 4096, 20Eur per bigger block.

I will not be reselling EUI’s - I will sell “Identification labels with unique EUI-64” - the same philosophy as id chips. Which could be either delivered as printed labels or PDFs for self-printing.

I want official globally unique indisputable EUI-64s.

ID chips are unavailable and also impractical - I don’t really need EEPROMs and I haven’t seen them available as F-RAMs.

I currently need about 100 EUIs for testing (while still running on TTN) but in case we scale to multiple 100s, I’ll definitely switch to private TTS instance and migrate away from TTN.

At this stage I am not willing to invest $800 for EUIs to throw them to bin in case the business goes south but if we can crowdfund them and also help other people in similar situation that would be a good investment.

Didn’t seem like that in the first post …

As it is companies like Microchip that sell the Id chips, you may want to consider that their lawyers were consulted - you don’t know what agreement, if any, was put in place to allow them to do so. And even then, they are committing the EUI to silicon, it’s actual end-use. It would be problematic for purchases from you to find they are breaching some licensing issue. I can’t see it would hurt to ask IEEE.

Subject to the legals being clear, I could do with a block. I have Id chips in-stock but not everything gets that chip on the board.

I’m sure @rish1 can advise on the right balance of numbers for commercial testing on TTS CE.

But if it’s only for testing, why do you need official ones?

And with two applications on TTS, you can access 100 official ones anyway!