Create a new frequency plan on Open Souce version on Docker

Hi all.

I am running the Open Souce version of The Things Stack on Docker on a Linux server.
The location is Japan.

We would like to add a new frequency plan due to compatibility issues with the LoRaWAN chips we are using.
Is it possible to add our own frequency plan?

We originally used “Japan 920-923 MHz with LBT (channels 24-27 and 35-38)” but we have to set dwell-time to false due to compatibility issues with the chip.
There is also a frequency plan “Asia 915-928 MHz (AS923 Group 1) with only default channels and dwell time disabled”, but LBT is not enabled in that case.
Therefore, I would like to create a frequency plan based on “Japan 920-923 MHz with LBT (channels 24-27 and 35-38)” with dwell-time set to false and use it in my local environment.

Thank you in advance for your help.