Thank you very much for the response Jac.
I’m solely using the TTN Community Edition to verify if LoRaWAN meets our requirements, we only need a few uplinks a day and a tiny payload. I’ve added gateways near our test devices as I found that even though theoretically in coverage I could not get end devices to reliably exchange information even with near-ish gateways. I assume the commercial TTI network will not be any better in that regard ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I must be missing something as I thought that the downlink sequence was /queued (on NS) /sent (from NS) and that /ack was generated by the NS in response to an uplink, is the /ack generated in response to communication from the forwarding gateway then?
I assumed that I’d be able to send a correlation id from the end device but couldn’t see how in the TTU documentation on that. Thank you for confirming the device itself sends these - I’ll look at the code examples more.
I wasn’t sure if @htdvisser meant that if you add an as:up:‘my_cid’ it would be automatically included in all uplinks as part of the lower level protocol rather that built into the frame by the application layer.
Best wishes,