I am developing an application for a class C TTN device and have a couple of newbie questions, if someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction. I’ve looked at many docs, posts.
What would be the recommended way to tie uplink responses to specific downlink commands?
I have seen in the docs and posts that custom correlation ids might be used for this purpose. (MQTT Server | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN) says that you can push a downlink with your own correlation id and then once the downlink gets acknowledged, a message is published to the topic ending /down/ack containing your custom id.
And I also saw in a post by @htdvisser “It is possible for a user to schedule a downlink with correlation ID as:up:trololololo
. If that downlink is acknowledged by their end device, you may receive that correlation ID in your uplink.”
But how is this done? I assume that it it the NS that generates the /down/ack containing your own correlation id and it doesn’t reference subsequent uplinks. So how is it possible to receive a copy of your downlink custom correlation id in subsequent uplinks or to generate your own correlation ids in uplinks?
One last question, just checking … if I see a down/ack with my correlation id does that mean definitively that the end device has received my downlink payload uncorrupted?
Thank you for any assistance.