Correct channels?

Mi gateway config:

CHANNEL0: 867100000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL1: 867300000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL2: 867500000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL3: 867700000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL4: 867900000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL5: 868100000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL6: 868300000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL7: 868500000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF)
CHANNEL8: 868300000, B, SF7, BW250KHz (LORA_STANDARD)
CHANNEL9: 868800000, B, 50Kbps (FSK)

  1. 868.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  2. 868.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125 and SF7BW250
  3. 868.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  4. 867.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  5. 867.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  6. 867.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  7. 867.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  8. 867.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
  9. 868.8 - FSK
  • Uplink channels 1-9 (RX1)
  • 869.525 - SF9BW125 (RX2 downlink only)

Could there be problems?T
he channel number is wrong (I don’t know if anything else).

Looks alright to me. Are you experiencing issues?

It seems the question is about the different ordering/numbering? I wonder if that affects ADR, for which the network seems to assume a specific order for the bitwise channel mask:

5.2 Link ADR commands (LinkADRReq, LinkADRAns)

The channel mask (ChMask) encodes the channels usable for uplink access as follows with bit 0 corresponding to the LSB:

Bit# Usable channels
0 Channel 1
1 Channel 2
15 Channel 16
Table 5: Channel state table

A bit in the ChMask field set to 1 means that the corresponding channel can be used for uplink transmissions if this channel allows the data rate currently used by the end-device. A bit set to 0 means the corresponding channels should be avoided.

The order relevant for ADR is communicated to the node in the join accept (or should be programmed correctly when using ABP). The gateway ordering of channels is not related to the order used for a node. The only requirement is to use matching frequencies :smile:

Yes, I have some problems … the node usually sends information every 30s the console shows an “activation” when I start making uplinks shortly after I stop receiving data …
The node and gateway are next to each other.

I try to find out if I have something defective or I am going beyond the limits of TTN.

Note: I use OTAA and legacy mode. Deactivate the frame counter. Use P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 - STM32 Nucleo pack LoRa™ HF band sensor and gateway - STMicroelectronics

That might well be a cause of issues. Make sure there is at least 5 meter distance between the antennas of the gateway and the node.

Realistically solving problems like this is done by making the node give a log of what it tried to do, and comparing that to a log of what the gateway & network did in response.

So I’m going to move the node.

With the TTN console or component logs?