Converting a Helium payload to TTN V3

Folks, I gave it a good attempt to try and learn from the Helium network (while I already was a TTN user) but I abandoned the Helium thing as it wasn’t making any money anymore. However, I still have some devices which can we very well re-used as a TTN mapper. So I wonder how I can “convert” Helium payload to TTN payload.

The good thing, dropping it as Java Payload works, but I think it consumes way too much daily load.
So, anyone who can advise how to clean up the following code and make it usable?

// Decoder for Hexaspot mappers
// //
// 11 Byte payload:
// 3 Lat, 3 Long, 2 Altitude (m), 1 Speed (km/hr), 1 Battery, 1 Sats.
// Accuracy is a dummy value required by some Integrations.
// Battery is 1/100 of a volt, offset by 2v for a range of 2.00 to 4.56 volts.
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
var decoded = {};

// All formats carry a lat & lon reading:
var latitude = ((bytes[0] << 16) >>> 0) + ((bytes[1] << 8) >>> 0) + bytes[2];
latitude = (latitude / 16777215.0 * 180) - 90;

var longitude = ((bytes[3] << 16) >>> 0) + ((bytes[4] << 8) >>> 0) + bytes[5];
longitude = (longitude / 16777215.0 * 360) - 180;

switch (port) {
case 2: // Mapper! (Cargo and Heatmap too)
decoded.latitude = latitude;
decoded.longitude = longitude;

  var altValue = ((bytes[6] << 8) >>> 0) + bytes[7];
  var sign = bytes[6] & (1 << 7);
  if (sign)
    decoded.altitude = 0xFFFF0000 | altValue;
    decoded.altitude = altValue;

  decoded.speed = parseFloat((((bytes[8])) / 1.609).toFixed(2));
  decoded.battery = parseFloat((bytes[9] / 100 + 2).toFixed(2));
  decoded.sats = bytes[10];
  decoded.accuracy = 2.5; // Bogus Accuracy required by Cargo/Mapper integration
case 5: // System status
  decoded.last_latitude = latitude;
  decoded.last_longitude = longitude;
  decoded.battery = parseFloat((bytes[6] / 100 + 2).toFixed(2));
  decoded.value = bytes[8];
  decoded.status = bytes[7];
  switch (bytes[7]) {
    case 1:
      decoded.status = "BOOT";
    case 2:
      decoded.status = "USB ON";
    case 3:
      decoded.status = "USB OFF";
case 6: // Lost GPS
  decoded.last_latitude = latitude;
  decoded.last_longitude = longitude;
  decoded.battery = parseFloat((bytes[6] / 100 + 2).toFixed(2));
  decoded.sats = bytes[7];
  decoded.minutes = ((bytes[8] << 8) >>> 0) + bytes[9];


return decoded;

I use this decoder for my LGT92 mapper/tracker:

That can perhaps act as a template for your device.

thanks, let me give it a try!
