Connecting TTIG to The Things Stack (TTN V3)

There is no other way - which you’d know if you read the forum posts on the topic.

No, because I, literally me, was the external smoke test last night, so we’ve barely had time to get started before everyone waded in because of the extreme urgency of being early adopters. So, no, no time to write it up.

If it’s working on v2, why not wait a couple of days so someone can write it up blow-by-blow and gift wrap it for those in a hurry.


Let’s do it by steps.

I have TTIG registered as a gateway in V2. Everything works.

What do I need to have in V3 for the packages from V2 to arrive in the application?

I have already registered the Device and the application, but nothing appears in V3.

Nothing, it just works.

What is the device? Does its uplinks appear in the gateway console?


Yes, in V2 i got traffic.


Here is the gateway on V3.

It WILL NOT appear on v3 as you haven’t run the CLI commands - delete this entry, it is probably blocking the v2 packets arriving due to the two EUI’s clashing.



What i missed now to get working?

What is the device, is it turned on, how does it connect?

If OTAA it will need its power cycling so it can join.

Please use the image scaling links when you add a screen shot so they fit on the forum width.

Is APB and send packages when button is pressed. There is a LED and shoulb blink, on or off depending on downlink.


A post was split to a new topic: Move your TTIG to V3: YES!

It is more likely to work if you send money to the Frazzled Moderators Club …

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Is a SX1276 (G-NiceRF) FCCID 2AD66-LORAV2

Running on atmega328p-au using LMIC V1.51 migrated to AU915 because I’m in Brazil.

It appears you used a DevAddr from v2 - either because you registered it there first and moved it to v3 or you used a v2 DevAddr.

So you can either delete the v3 entry and re-register it so it gets a v3 DevAddr.

Or you can try the CLI or console migration of the TTIG.

PS, LMIC 1.51 is deprecated, try the MCCI LMIC 3.3.0 or 4.0.0

I know LMIC 1.51 is deprecated but is the only one who I can use in 328p for 32k flash.

Good news… Thaks

I think not, I’m using MCCI LMIC 3.3.0 on Pro Mini’s just fine with all Class A features available.

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If LMIC 1.51 does not work, i will need to change 328p to 1280 or use other radio.

The problem is the rest of code and vars. Only send packages work fine with 3.3.0. But i will give a chance if all goes wrong.

I get ‘claim authentication code mismatch’ - I have triple checked the wifi password
(code 10)