Connecting RG191 to The Things Stack V3 (Australia) - getting started?

I have a Laird RG191, which I am attempting to connect to the Things Network as a gateway.

However, are there any up to date instructions on how to do so, in Australia?

The unit is on the latest firmware (

If I go to “LoRa”, and then “Presets” - I see there’s a legacy one:


Is this preset for the old V2 TTN I see mentioned around here?

How do I connect to the latest V3 The Things Stack network? Is there no preset available for that?

I did see this doc - but not sure if that’s the correct one to use?

Yep, use that one and use the Semtech BasicStation forwarder using CUPS or LNS (LNS seemed easier to me). There are some other threads here on the fine details/snags, take particular care around the line terminations in the key files.

Give it a try and report back?