Complete loss of account gateways and applications

Consider this situation:
Our organisation had someone setup the gateways and sensors at our office building about 2 years ago. That person created an account and setup the primary gateways on that account, then created another account and setup some test gateways on that one. After he left the organisation, he only shared the credentials for the secondary account (which is this one). Now that we are attempting to migrate to v3, we cannot access the account with the primary gateways. I thought about reconfiguring the gateways, but the EUIs are still in use. So my question is, is there any way we can provide proof to TTN that these gateways belong to our organisation and we need to transfer the access?

Any help is appreciated.

2 years ago the registration would have been under V2. Have you simply tried registering again in V3 (or claiming if any are TTIGs) under the secondary account? Depending on gw and config …it might work for some. Failing that it’s likely you will need to go through a proof of process/history process with the TTI team. We’re the two accounts set up under the same email address even if not under full credentials?

As @Jeff-UK says, V3 is separate from V2 - just give one of the gateways a try - it would be surprising if that didn’t “just work”. And will be far less torturous than providing proof of ownership to TTI - this aspect has been debated widely on the forum already.

Hopefully you’ll have the credentials to adjust the settings on the gateways themselves (new end point).

If you need further assistance, make & model of gateways & devices would help advise enormously.

Thanks for the quick reply @descartes and @Jeff-UK I have no clue if both accounts were under the same email or not, we’re in the dark there.
I will try to register it under V3 again and let you know how that goes. Last time I tried I got the “EUI in use” error.
The gateway is a Multitech MTCDT-LEU1-24xL. They are installed at dangerous heights so I’m currently in the process of actually retrieving them in case the V3 registration doesn’t work.

That means someone has already registered it on v3 - who might that be?

I’m not sure what I did wrong the first time, on the second go it worked. I had to reconfigure the gateway since there is no V3 South East Asia and I have to use the V3 Australia cluster instead, but everything else went smoothly.

Cheers for the help!

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