
I’m a bit confused due to the collaborator rights…
I have 2 gateways and I tried some tests with them regarding the permissions.

The first gateway was deleted and then restored via CLI. Before the deletion I was having “All possible rights” but after I only have “All gateway rights”. Can this be changed back to “All possible rights” in any other way then deleting and re-registering again the gateway? Because I don’t want to loose it’s ID.

With the second gateway I self assigned my organization the individual rights and selected all. Unfortunatly I can not change back it to “All possible rights”, neither “All gateway rights”? How is that possible? I have another organization that has “All gateway rights”, so maybe they can put me back to “All gateway rights”, but still again, this is not the initial “All possible rights” again…

In noth gateways my organization is set as both, administration and technical contact. It should be possible to regain “All possible rights” when this is the case?

Thank you for your help! :slight_smile: