CoAP over LoRa WAN

CoAP and MQTT is IoT application layer protocol. Each IoT device has its own ip address.
LoRa device has 32 bit Dev address. Can CoAP/MQTT over LoRa be possible ? How is the ip address and Dev address related ?


There isn’t really such a thing - CoAP is useful for devices that have some sort of TCP/IP or even only an IP stack. MQTT is used a lot to send messages but it too is reliant on a full TCP/IP stack.

Many IoT devices, particularly on LoRaWAN have no TCP/IP stack at all.

Please search the forum for extensive discussions by people hoping this may be the case. Anything requiring even IP isn’t going to work well with what is effectively a one-way protocol that can send 30-50 bytes once every 5-10 minutes at maximum throughput.

The are not - the only phylum they share is computer networking - the family tree branched right from that node.

Do you have a technical thing to solve or is this an general / academic question?

Hi Nick
Thanks for reply. I just have academic questions about IoT over LoRa WAN.
As I know, CoAP and MQTT is sutable for IoT data exchange. The stack is CoAP/UDP/IP/6LoWAPN/802.15.4. LoRa is the same layer as 802.15.4. I found some web sites about my question. Here is one → chrome-extension://ieepebpjnkhaiioojkepfniodjmjjihl/data/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?


COAP and MQTT are not a valid option for LoRaWAN. Both use too much data. Both might have their use cases in IoT, not in the LoRaWAN space of IoT between nodes and the backend. MQTT is a valid option to get the data from the backend. Read the TTN documentation if you want to know what MQTT offers. (Spoiler: not the protocol used between a node and the backend)