CloudGate CG2123 - Error connecting to TTN (LNS/CUPS)

Hi all
I’m trying to setup a Cloudgate device (expansion card CG2123) as a Lora Gateway, to receive on TTN the uplink messages coming from the end devices registered on cloudgate. I’ve installed the Basic Stations plugin then two options are available : CUPS or LNS.
I’ve tryed both, by following the instructions indicated on CloudGate | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN with no success :confused:

By assuming that the URL are correctly entered, the same for the keys, etc., the cloudgate logs shows that TTN server is reached but for a unknown reason, the connection is rejected :

LNS config :
[TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
[TCE:ERRO] Infos error: ::0 Unauthorized

CUPS config :
[CUP:VERB] Retrieving update-info from CUPS
[CUP:DEBU] CUPS Request: {“router”:“c:e3ff:fe75:8035”,“cupsUri”:“”,“tcUri”:null,“cupsCredCrc”:3270070736,“tcCredCrc”:2077607535,“station”:“2.0.6 2022-06-08 08:20:01”,“model”:“linux”,“package”:null,“keys”:}
[CUP:VERB] Failed to retrieve TCURI from CUPS: (401) Unauthorized
[AIO:DEBU] [3] HTTP connection shutdown…

CloudGate with expansion card CG2132

My big doubt : on TTN documentation, it is clearly indicated as prerequisite the CG2132 LoRa expansion card installed in to the CloudGate.
I have a CG2123 card but my reseller ensured me that it is equivalent CG2132.

Could be something at hardware level preventing the authentication to work ?
Or is there an alternative (for exemple : using Cloudgate LuvitRed to send messsages received by the sensor to TTN trought MQTT / port 8883) ?

Any hint is really appreciated, thanks a lot!

erm not really! I havent worked with the Cloudgate cards not least as the earlier unit was a bit pricey but IIRC the 2123 is SX1301 based - the original Concentrator Baseband device - and is 868Mhz Band capable (there is an equivalent 2124 for 915Mhz deployments). The 2132 though is I believe the SX1302 2nd Gen Baseband based and potentially dual band capable (868 or 915 depending on configuration)… also close to half the cost of the 2123 IIRC.

You will therefore need to verify the Cloudgate firmware used in your system and also check for any device specific code needed as they are the same but different so to speak!

(Personally as a check on function I would start with LNS and original packet forwarder based deployment to test function then migrate to CUPS & BasicStation based PF once confident…KISS!)

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Many thanks @Jeff-UK for your quick reply.
Firmware version seems OK (Option LTE WW Rev 4 Firmware - 2.96.0), when you say : start with LNS and original packet forwarder based deployment to test function, how to achieve that ?
I’ve installed the Basic Station plugin (retrieved here via ftp : found on cloudgate universe documentation) because there was no way to setup LNS config on the menus of cloudgate.
Thanks again :pray: