Class C status in 2019?

Hi all,

I was trying to find out if and how Class C commands are supported by now. I bought this device

… and the only thing the manual tells me is how I switch on the functionality by using the serial cable / interface.

When browsing this forum, I get only pointed to a “v3” stack - I don’t fully undertand what that means and if I have to read though the entire v3 posts in order to get an answer, that is why I try to bump the topic up here…

Could someone please summarize the implications, roadmap etc. - what is going to be rolled out when - or is ti already and I don’t get how to use it?

Many thanks!


my other topic from yesterday apparently got buried while I don’t understand why, so I have to ask this here again:

  1. Are class C devices being supported?

  2. If not, when?

  3. How do I handle addressing the device?



Please read the existing thread regarding V3 stack. Do not post the same question two days in a row, it will only annoy the moderators…

  1. No class C is not supported on the community network at this moment as it requires V3.
  2. There is no schedule for V3 to be deployed on the community network.

All this is available in existing messages on the forum so why do I need to spend my time providing you with these answers? Is my time less valuable than yours?

My time is certainly not more valuable than yours, I’m a software engineer since 30 years just as you.

I would not have made the second post if I would have found my own post (and its position) in the forum, the posts appear not to be sorted in an chronological order.

I began reading the v3 post yesterday but as you know the post is rather long and I could not find an answer, neither somwhere at the beginning nor at the end. If i struggle with that - in my opionion - simple question I guess others might too, that is why I was brazen enough to post it.

I beg your pardon for doing so.

This is the second time I get a rather snarky response for asking a humble question. I certainly will adapt and learn from that, I am sure that is your intention. It is ceartainly not you at fault.

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As said Class C is currently not supported on the public TTN network.
Class C will be supprted when V3 will be rolled out on the public network. When that will happen is currently not known.

There is not much going on with V3 here yet and we would like to prevent that information gets fragmented.

The best way for questions about new V3 functionality is to use the V3 topic that @kersing has referred to.

It appears that you found the thread too long to read, but that is not going to generate much sympathy on the forum.

Try to get familiar with the forum first. Check how to use categories and try to search for things with the search tool first. You can search globally as well as within a topic.

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