Hi, if a TTIG is already claimed as gateway I must follow the instructions found here: The Things Indoor Gateway | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN which I did and I managed to claim the TTIG with different TTS CE users.
Question 1:
To make the TTIG claimable I used the CLI tool as described in the link above, but I’d like to understand which procedure I should follow if the previous TTS CE user was deleted or unavailable for any reason (previous employee, intern, student). I own the TTIG, which is within hand reach and its label is intact with all the info needed for claiming.
Question 2:
After claiming the TTIG, it’s no longer claimable, so I suppose that the command ttn-lw-cli gateways claim unauthorize <gateway-id>
is not necessary if a claiming is carried out, or is it?
Thanks for your attention, cheers