Claiming a Gateway in CLI

I have two TTN Accounts and I´d like to move all my gateways from Account 1 to Account 2.
I found two ways doing this but none of them works.

Currently I am trying the way over the CLI (the other possibility is via the API).
The link to the documentation is:

I think I can make the gateway from Account 1 claimable because I get a new API-Key and a notification by Email.
But the command for claiming always throws an error.
I am using the command where I should replace the <gateway-id> but obviously this string is not even given by the command:

ttn-lw-cli gateways claim <gateway-eui> --authentication-code <claim-authentication-code> --user-id <user-id> --target-gateway-id [target-gateway-id]

I was playing around with this command with no success.
Does anybody have an Idea how to use this command or another solution?

On the TTN GW console page simply assign your 2nd account as a collaborator with full rights then you can handle from 2nd account! If you need to you can then go whole hog and use 2nd account to remove 1st account as collaborator and have sole ‘ownership’…

Thank you Jeff,
this method works perfectly fine!

I was hoping for the possibility to write a skript to move all gateways to the other account instead of doing it manually. Thats why I tried it via the CLI.
Do you have a solution for that? Otherwise I´ll just do is by hand.

You can script the collaborator add / remove via the CLI