Check gateway health

Hi everyone! I have a gateway connected to TTN but the data that are shown in the “live data” field are status updates. I am living in a city center, and I would expect to receive some noise from other IoT devices.

If it is indeed that quiet, I have also set up an end node with a raspberrypi zero wh + adafruit rfm95 bonnet , with LoRaPy to program the transactions:

SX127x LoRa registers:
 mode               SLEEP
 freq               868.099976 MHz
 coding_rate        CR4_5
 bw                 BW125
 spreading_factor   128 chips/symb
 implicit_hdr_mode  OFF
 rx_payload_crc     ON
 tx_cont_mode       OFF
 preamble           8
 low_data_rate_opti OFF
 agc_auto_on        ON
 symb_timeout       100
 freq_hop_period    0
 hop_channel        {'pll_timeout': 0, 'crc_on_payload': 0, 'fhss_present_channel': 0}
 payload_length     28
 max_payload_length 255
 irq_flags_mask     {'rx_timeout': 0, 'rx_done': 0, 'crc_error': 0, 'valid_header': 0, 'tx_done': 0, 'cad_done': 0, 'fhss_change_ch': 0, 'cad_detected': 0}
 irq_flags          {'rx_timeout': 0, 'rx_done': 0, 'crc_error': 0, 'valid_header': 0, 'tx_done': 0, 'cad_done': 0, 'fhss_change_ch': 0, 'cad_detected': 0}
 rx_nb_byte         0
 rx_header_cnt      0
 rx_packet_cnt      0
 pkt_snr_value      64.000000
 pkt_rssi_value     -157
 rssi_value         -157
 fei                0
 pa_select          PA_BOOST
 max_power          15.000000 dBm
 output_power       14.000000 dBm
 ocp                ON
 ocp_trim           100.000000 mA
 lna_gain           NOT_USED
 lna_boost_lf       0b0
 lna_boost_hf       0b0
 detect_optimize    0x3
 detection_thresh   0xa
 sync_word          0x34
 dio_mapping 0..5   [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 tcxo               XTAL
 pa_dac             default
 fifo_addr_ptr      0x9c
 fifo_tx_base_addr  0x80
 fifo_rx_base_addr  0x0
 fifo_rx_curr_addr  0x0
 fifo_rx_byte_addr  0x0
 status             {'rx_coding_rate': 0, 'modem_clear': 0, 'header_info_valid': 0, 'rx_ongoing': 0, 'signal_sync': 0, 'signal_detected': 0}
 version            0x12

Sending LoRaWAN message


Even though the transactions I transmit show to be successfully sent, the gateway doesn’t show any messages on the live feed.

So it is either:

  1. A problem with the end node
  2. A problem with the gateway
  3. Both 1 and 2.

Is there a way to do a health check for my gateway, to see if it is possible to receive messages or if there is something else wrong?

The TTN console shows “connected”, and my journalctl -u ttn-gateway.service -f shows no problems.

This library is not LoRaWAN compliant and should not be used with TTN. If does not process the mandatory MAC commands and will result in a DoS attack against the gateway.

The debug output contains the information why your uplink is rejected and not forwarded to your application. However given that you shouldn’t use this codebase anyway I won’t tell you what causes the issue.