My question is if it Is it possible to modify the TTN’s deduplication window length? Despite having already searched, I didn’t find much information about the window’s length and whether or not it would be possible to change this for a particular application that I’ve created.
In short, what is TTN’s deduplication window length and is it possible to change it for my application?
I’m developing an application that uses information given by the gateways to estimate the location of the device, so I wanted to increase the window to have the information of as many gateways as possible (sometimes there are gateways that, due to their latency, do not appear in the message) .
By the way, do you know what is the deduplication window length used in TTN?
There is a Semtech toolkit to do geolocation using RSSI but due to the physics of it all both accuracy & precision aren’t that good - you’d not find a device using it but you’d know where it is ±3km. You may want to look at the LR1110 based geo-location radio.
The window length is about 2 seconds, I did some work on helping tune it when v3 was put out on general release but the exact number is but a dim & distance memory.
Increasing the window length rapidly becomes a minefield of Big O computation and for a shared system there is no way that users could specify that their uplinks should be processed differently as all of this comes before the any attempt is made to identify the device it came from.