Change End device ID or reuse DevEUI AppEUI and AppKey

Hi all,

I have some devices registered with a wrong End device ID and I want to change it, but I can’t do it from the console. I am wondering if this could be done and if not, if the device could be removed and re-registered with its proper End device ID and reuse its DevEUI AppEUI and AppKey without any issues.

Thanks a lot.

Yes this will work. Make sure to make the device rejoin once you’ve re-registered them.

If the OP uses the CLI, I’d presume that they can transfer the session as well?

Yeah indeed that could work but session transfer is always icky. If you have the opportunity to rejoin, that’s very highly recommended.

Hi @KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 and @descartes (coolest nick ever :wink: )

thank you so much, I’ll try to do it, then.

You need to do a few thousand devices a few times for a few clients - you’ll get really good at it.

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