Cayenne/MyDevices missing from V2 Integration?

Apologies in advance if this is a silly question.

I have 2 arduino LoRa devices successfully sending data via my gateway and TTN V2 to Cayenne.

I have now purchased a commercial LoRa device and am trying to also send the output to Cayenne, again via my gateway and TTN V2. I set up a second application and can receive the data without issue in TTN.

However when I go in to Integrations, the MyDevices/Cayenne option is no longer there.

Even more strange, when I go into my first application, which is still actively sending data to Cayenne, it is saying “there are no integrations for application sean-basic”.

Any idea why the MyDevices/Cayenne option is gone??



There have been some issues with various integrations falling off the page - post a message on Slack for the dev ops guys to look in to it.