Cayenne LPP - Supported payloads

Why does the implementation of the Cayenne LPP decoder in TTN only support a subset of the payloads supported by ElectronicCats implementation?

I’m missing voltage, current and several more. Now I have to send voltage as analoginput/channel=0, current as analoginput/channel=1 etc etc.
If I want to send rgb color (three values) I must use the payload for gps :frowning:


  1. Did you read

these additional data types are not supported by myDevices Cayenne

which implies using the extensions for Cayenne is not useful anyway?

  1. And secondly, also from the documentation:

it includes fully backwards compatibly decoder in JavaScript, suitable for implementations with NodeRED or TTN

So if you do not use Cayenne, just the format you can use that decoder in TTN.

  1. Cayenne format is not the ideal format to use to transmit values. Every value has at least two bytes overhead for type and identifier. Using a byte array without the overhead saves 1/2 the size for analog channels. And for LoRaWAN every byte counts to keeping the transmission as short as possible saving airtime (== more transmissions possible within the 30 second allowance of TTN) and battery life.
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Document link?

  1. No I have not read that. Cannot find it.
  2. Same
  3. I can use binary format and parse it my self. No problems. It is less than 10 bytes…

Perhaps read the text on the page linked above?

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I wrote my own decoder that supports the full range of the ElectronicCats implementation.
You can find it here: WisBlock-Sensor-For-LoRaWAN/decoders at main · beegee-tokyo/WisBlock-Sensor-For-LoRaWAN · GitHub

Thanks a lot, I’ll have look at it!