Could you help me to create OAuth 2.0 client.
I develop applications that allows users to manage entities (applications, gateways, and devices) on TTN.
I use the OAuth 2.0 protocol to achieve this.
According to the documentation (Authentication | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN) I first need to register the OAuth client.
I am trying to use TTN CLI command:
ttn-lw-cli clients create tektelic-ttn-test-integration --description "Oauth client for integration Tektelic LeapX application with TTN" --redirect-uris "https://api-dev.onboarding.tektelic-dev.com/api/ttn/oauth/callback" --rights "RIGHT_APPLICATION_ALL,RIGHT_GATEWAY_ALL," --grants "GRANT_AUTHORIZATION_CODE"
But I got an error:
cmd / ttn-lw-cli / commands: no_collaborator (no collaborator set)
Could you tell what could be the reason for this error and how can I resolve it?