It worked fine yesterday, but today I am stuck at “initializing”. I tried Safari and Firefox: both the same. What is wrong?
Thanks for any help/pointers!
It worked fine yesterday, but today I am stuck at “initializing”. I tried Safari and Firefox: both the same. What is wrong?
Thanks for any help/pointers!
Seeing the same thing, it’s coming back briefly every now and again but generally it’s been down this morning for me too. Don’t think there is anything we can do to fix this, it’s a server side issue:
(504 = Gateway timeout)
I am glad that I am not the only one! That helps already
Yes, it comes back briefly for me, too, but not long enough to even look at my devices.
How I love the Cloud.
I am surprised that there isn’t a bigger outcry if everyone (?) is affected? Or do you think only a few “lucky” ones are having problems?
I’m in New Zealand. It’s Sunday evening here, and early Sunday in the rest of the world. It depends who’s awake. And whether they prefer things easy, like Sunday morning.
Im in France, Same for me, cannot access console.
same here in the UK-
Is there a way for us to tell TTN about this problem? Or do they monitor this forum?
I am in Germany, btw. Have a nice Sunday!!
somes services are degraded
Ah! Thanks for sharing this link. Yes, the NOC problem may be what is causing this.
Yesterday I installed my new gateway and now I wanted to check.
By the remarks above I assume the issue is with the server and not withme and has not been solved yet?
Yup, I think you are correct.
Same here in Spain.
Though TTN Console is great for debugging (especially to debug OTAA Join problems, or to see the gateway’s Traffic page when one does not have access to the gateway’s raw logs), many of us simply don’t need it every day as more reliable alternatives exist:
Unfortunately, right now ttnctl
is failing too:
ttnctl gateways status 19711137
INFO Discovering Router...
FATAL Could not get Router from Discovery error=Internal error: [Unavailable] transport is closing
But often that works when TTN Console does not.
The TTN Node-RED library is reported to be failing too, but it seems it’s time to migrate to a regular Node-RED MQTT Input node anyhow.
Data is being delivered just fine using the MQTT Data API and the HTTP Integration (and likely other integrations as well). An MQTT command line interface might be more reliable than the application/device’s Data page in TTN Console anyhow:
mosquitto_sub -h -t +/# -u haarlem-app-1 -P ttn-account-v2.ko3<redacted>fyr-A
See also A Python program to listen to your devices with MQTT.
Same issue!
Same thing in the US. Data is still coming through via MQTT but I can’t access the console for configuration and such
Hi all was up but now down and cant access here in the UK What are the issues if look at fault status show all workig except instability in MQTT
I can access applications - but gateway settings stuck at “fetching gateways”.
Also some gateways disappered on the map.
(north germany)