Can not transfer downlink data to Integration


I’m using Raspberry Pi 3B+ no lora module. I only use python script with some simple data to try to send some data before connect with lora.

I’m being stuck at transfer uplink to TTN, the downlink works well
My python code like this:

I found code and customize here :

  • Look at the code, when i use “UP”, the TTN don’t receive anything.
  • Change “UP” to “DOWN”, it can send downlink to TTN but it can not be sent to Integration.
  • I also use simulate downlink on TTN, but nothing happen in my integration (HTTP or Thinkspeak). but the simulate uplink on TTN works well with my integration

Please explain to me why i can not send uplink from Raspberry maybe with Linux environment , and why my downlink can not link to Integration? .
Thanks in advance!!!

  1. Please include code you use in a code block in your message, we don’t want to open unknown content from 3rd party websites.
  2. TTN does not allow injecting uplinks using MQTT.