Can devices send data to multiple gateways?

I’ve been working with a The Things Gateway that’s been giving me awful range. I have been setting up an indoor gateway as a back up, so I have both gateways connected when I check online on my TTN account.

Is there a way for my device to send data packets to both gateways so I can see the traffic list on both of them? The trouble I have right now is traffic is showing up on my old gateway, but there is no traffic on my backup indoor gateway.

That’s exactly what LoRaWAN does. With something like TTN, some of the gateways contributing to supporting the node might not even be yours.

To be clear, this describes the uplink direction; if a downlink needs to be sent, only one gateway can be used at any given time. The network server should select the one that reported the best received signal quality, unless it has awareness of a reason why that gateway could not transmit at the necessary time (already been assigned another task, exceeded its duty cycle limit, etc)

The trouble I have right now is traffic is showing up on my old gateway, but there is no traffic on my backup indoor gateway.

As far as uplink traffic is concerned, that should have almost no dependence on the presence of the other gateway.

The possible exception is if adaptive data rate is used, or certain types of join responses. In that case, successful round-trip communication with one gateway could cause the node to ramp up to a date rate that another gateway might be too far away to hear, or due to a configuration issue not support. Some types of misconfiguration such as downlinking a bad channel list could also cause a node to simply disappear, but then the other gateway probably wouldn’t hear it either (unless one gateway were a pricey one with more than 8 channels, but it’s unlikely you have such, and even if you did, TTN shouldn’t be using the extras)

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yes, open 2 console browser windows, one pointing to the traffic tab for gateway 1 and the other to gateway 2.

both gateways should show the traffic

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If the gateway data page does not show any data while the node is not too far away (and not too close either) there is an issue with either:

  1. The gateway setup. Is it active on your WLAN?
  2. The gateway registration, does it show active in the console? And does the ‘last seen’ time reset every (few) minutes?
  3. The hardware.
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So I’ve been experimenting with the indoor gateway for the afternoon. It is connected to Wifi with a steady green light, the ‘last seen’ is currently at 18 mins, with no data packets showing, but it shows as ‘connected’ in the list of gateways page.

I also have a third gateway (a second indoor gateway) that I have been setting up now. This one is having trouble even connecting to the Wifi! I have been following this guide up to step 9, and have reset and repeated the process 5 times now. Each time, I get to the final step, but the LED switches between flicking red/green to blinking green quickly, never a steady green light. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot this with no luck, which is confusing because the other two gateways connect to the Wifi with the same credentials.

One thing to check that is none LoRa/ttn related is how many clients can the Wi-Fi access point support? I had a problem recently setting up gw with some temp/humidity nodes in a shared student house where landlord supplied utilities including broadband connection. Problem was with 7 students each with 1 or more pc/laptops, mobile phones, smart tv, games consoles, tablets…and a consumer bband gw that was set by default to support just 16 clients (ip addresses) on 24hr dhcp leases and could only be amended to support max of 32 we ended up changing lease period to 4 hrs, allocated gw static ip after turning of some of the gadgets then allowed them to restart and take pot-luck connecting there after whilst I worked with landlord to segment property and add another AP a few days later… :wink: