Can anyone explain me AppEUI/JoinEUI like I was 5?

Hello y’all, hope you’re doing fine. I’m trying to figure out what is the importance of AppEUI/JoinEUI, but somethings don’t make sense for me (I’m trying to understand them though). Googling these terms, I found in the following:

In case an App EUI / Join EUI is required, you can set this to a blank value ( 0000000000000000 ). This value only becomes relevant when an external join-server is being used.
(Source: Devices - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server)

Could anyone help me to understand the “This value only becomes relevant when an external join-server is being used” part? I think it’s confusing me because I don’t know exactly what is an “external join-server”, in this environment.

Thank you so much!

maybe this interesting webinair helps


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