Can an external LoRaWAN network server send messages to TTN application server via HTTPS?

I am currently using TTN, however I’ve noticed the TTN coverage is not always that great (and I’m not able to put gateways everywhere) so therefore I want to use the KPN LoRa network via wirelessLogic for a couple of devices.
KPN doesn’t have an application server (for ‘small’ customers), so the messages would have to be sent from the KPN network server via HTTPS to another application server (with SSL certificate, because KPN requires that).

So my question is, would I be able to use the TTN application server(s) for that? In such a way that I can then see all the uplink messages appear in TTN console, and make use of the integrations. And if so, could someone point me to some documentation that might explain how to do this?

Many thanks!

No you won’t be able to use them in that way. They not designed to be the application end point/intermediate server for other LoRaWAN provider’s stacks.

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What you probably want to do is assign your nodes to an appropriate network based on their location, and then have your own intermediate infrastructure layer which collects feeds from TTN and other various network providers (potentially even feeds via other technologies) and puts them into whatever data platform you are using.

This might take the form of having some code on a cloud instance which maintains MQTT and similar subscriptions to data sources, or in some cases push type feeds.

The downside of using unique features of a particular provider or technology is that they tend to leave you locked into that solution alone. Though likely none of the offerings would be that hard to emulate in a way that would let you present some other sort of feed in the same manner.

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Thank you for the responses! :slight_smile: