Build Gateway for RHF0M301 on Rasp Pi

Hi all, I am trying to use the packet forwarder for ic880a (SPI) with the RHF0M301 (Rising HF). In order to do this, while still using the adapter hat, I need to change the reset pin from 25 to 7. In order to do that, I need to build the packet forwarder for ic880a myself. I’m following the instructions for building here: and I’m confused about the “Build” section. It says:

Follow these commands:

$ make dev-deps
$ make deps
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 CC=gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi make build

I finally found the dev-deps make command in the “.make” folder, but git doesn’t pull these down for me. (I’m cloning directly onto a Pi for builds.) Why aren’t these cloned? (even though they’re not in the gitignore file), and should I just copy them down manually for building on the Pi?

No need to build the software, just specify the reset pin on the command line when starting the software. (–reset-pin )

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Cool, thanks. I was wondering if I pull down the binary, and just run it, is this version using UDP or TCP? It’s very important that it’s using TCP. This is why I’m trying to build it from source.

I think I’m setting my GOPATH incorrectly. My GOPATH is $HOME/TTN, where the path to the packet forwarder is $HOME/TTN/packet_forwarder. executing “make dev-deps” makes the directories bin, pkg, and src in the GOPATH. Running, “make deps” gives me the following output:

packet_forwarder  fetching go dependencies
bash: govendor: command not found
.make/go/main.make:85: recipe for target 'go.deps' failed
make: *** [go.deps] Error 127

What am I doing wrong? Govendor is in $GOPATH//pkg/linux_amd64/

It is using TCP. And building it yourself would not change it from UDP to TCP as that would require a major code rewrite, not just a rebuild.

Okay, cool! Thank you so much, @kersing. I can’t wait to try it out! :smile:

Got it working!!! :smiley: Thank you so much!

I am setting the TTN Stack V2 on the host (Raspberrypi 3) of the RAK831 Gateway. I am following the steps in according to In setting up TTN at step no 4 I get an error.
govendor sync -v
bash: govendor: command not found
Makefile:25: recipe for target ‘deps’ failed
make: *** [deps] Error 127
I guess the govendor tool is not installed. but I tried installing it explicitly and no results.Please help.