Hello Linar:
The break out board looks great!
One question though; why did you add pads on the base of the E78 module (DIO5, DIO6, DIO7, etc). I don’t see the E78 module having those pads available… Is there other modules that come with those pads?
BTW, does anyone have the schematics for the E78 module? It would be good to have them so we can re-populate some of the functionality flashing a new firmware.
Thanks and good work!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Linar:
Sure! I missed that! I wasn’t familiar with the E70 module…
I’m trying to connect to E78 via SWD using CMSIS-DAP (v1.1 and v2) but so far I wasn’t lucky… I just bough a Kitprog 2 board, so I hope I can test these modules very soon…
After detaching from the main board, it’s automatically upgraded to kitprog 3 by PSOC Programmer software…
and the it is just a matter of wiring (as showed in my previous photo) and programming with PSOC creator software.
I’m trying to connect directly to E78 module (without any breakout board, only 100nF capacitor connected), powered by 3.3V power supply, and kitprog3 exactly from the same kit You use (with removed D1 diode).
Unfortunately, after hundreds of tries, pressing PSoC programmer Port selection icon, and trying to detect memory type (button “load from device”) I succeeded only one time.
I still got message " FAILED! PSoC device is not acquired! Check connection of the chip to the programmer"
I was trying with two different E78 modules
Finally i connected logic analyser to check how swd/reset lines work, and there i 4.5MHz signal, and it tries several times to reset device…
I also contacted ebyte, and they claim that the modules, are not locked for programming.
Could you please check what are the version of your kitprog3 and PSocProgrammer
I use KitProg3. CMSIS-DAP Version 2.0.0. Firmware Version 2.21.1005. Hardware Id 03. and PSoC Programmer
I was also unable to program the first 2 E78 I ordered from EByte… but all the ordered after can be burned seamlessly (I insisted to EByte that I wanted E78 with the AT firmware; the first 2 ones didn’t have any firmware)