Big STM32 boards topic

LoRaM3-D V1.1 Arduino IDE

With my installation, I found several things missing to compile in Arduino:
In BSFrance-stm32-master/stm32/tools/win/gcc/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ stuff is missing.
I copied the contents of from to here: \hardware\BSFrance-stm32-master\stm32\tools\win\gcc

Next was about the dfu-util-static which was missing:
Downloaded it: and put the dfu-util-static.exe here: \hardware\BSFrance-stm32-master\stm32\tools\win

Finally I was able to compile and upload blink.

The LMIC I have the same problems as were mentioned before by others. The processor freezes when os_init() is called. From the posts above, I cannot understand if there is a solution and which.
Anyone got this resolved and the OTAA-example working?