I noticed ‘lmic_slim.zip’ which is probably used as LoRaWAN library.
I have no experience with this library but is is not LoRaWAN compliant which is a problem with V3.
When adding an ABP device on V3 this will require manual addition of advanced device parameters in the console (search for V3 and ABP on the forum).
Another issue is that the LoRa32u4 board, actually its ATmega32u4 MCU has relatively little memory which makes it less suitable for more demanding projects that use the MCCI LMIC library (which is the preferred library for the SX1276 LoRa radio on these boards).
While it is possible to use MCCI LMIC with these boards, the sketches should not be too large or they won’t fit on the ATmega32u4.
Be prepared for some hurdles and learning curves to go through.
Maybe LMIC-node can help you make steps in the right direction.
Also see this thread for some tips to get MCCI LMIC working with 8-bit AVR (ATmega328, ATmega32u4) based boards.