It’s not developed with Arduino IDE, I had the same question at first, but using it with Atom is really easy (easier than I thought), just install atom and follow the instruction, Atom will install everything needed for you
Not really. This is about PlatformIO, not about Atom.
PlatformIO consists of the PlatformIO IDE and the PlatformIO Core.
PlatformIO runs as a plugin on top of both Atom and Visual Studio Code (VSCode) code editors.
So you can use PlatformIO with VSCode and with Atom. Both editors are cross platform supported (OSX, Windows and Linux).
PlatformIO recommends to use VSCode. It has better code editor features and has the best PlatformIO debugging support.
“In our experience, PlatformIO IDE for VSCode offers better system performance, and users have found it easier to get started”
For an overview and comparison see:
I am using a PC with only 128GB of SSD memory, and it is almost full, so I am not sure if I have space for PlatformIO if it taks several GB. Any idea of its size?
For atom
For platformio, I’ve got 4 targets, STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32, (each approx 500mb) and the last is for arduino avr (140mb)
The heavy ones are for the toolchain
So in your case with atom and ESP32 should be total less than 1GB
Thank you for your help. It is working, but it takes10 min to compile. Maybe that is just the first time.
Yes, on the next run it only took 10 sec.
First time usually the whole toolchain has to be downloaded and installed (once per platform only).
Compiling in PlatformIO usually goes (much) faster than in the Arduino IDE.
I use “cloud” (GCP) build on a regular basis. The build is on Debian virtual host with command-line only. Source code access is through SSH tunnel (WinSCP). Editor choice is of my preference.
With this approach both Arduino and PlatformIO methods are almost equal in speed performance.
Major advantage of “Arduino world” - it gives a variety of source code libraries available, built-in and external ones (github). This makes sketches code much smaller, easier to read and portable (to compare with “native ESP-IDF code”).
You find lots of arduino libs in the platformio library manager. And if one is missing, it’s an easy process to get this in there.
Today, I got my TTGO LoRa32 v2.1 T3_V1.5 20180523 board. The display flips like in post #623. One footprint of the LoRa module seems not to be soldered, it’s the third in the upper row (near the SD card slot).
- Where can I find and download the original software? Is it https://github.com/LilyGO/ESP32-Paxcounter/tree/f238dc3f0fc0b1d70f7c7f1fecc03c876ad33f72?
- How is it possible to set the flipped display in the other order (readable with antenna up). In the github repository I didn’t find a source that handles the display.
I hope to get my TTGO LoRa32 V2.1 T3_1.5 or _1.6 today. I have a lot of stipid questions that might answer themself when I start to play with the board. If the board is delivered with the Paxcounter program preinstaled, how do I get the EUI number so I can register the device to TTN?
I contacted LilyGO and got the right link to the actual code: https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter
I played with the code and compiled it again and all is fine. The display isn’t flipped anymore. You have to set #define DISPLAY_FLIP 0 in ttgov21.h to got a non flipped display.
- In your TTN account, create an application and link to a device
- Download and install Atom and PlatformIO
- Download the source code from the link in my previous post
- Open Project in PlatformIO
- Create loraconf.h from loraconf.sample.h and copy / paste your DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY from your device in your TTN account
- Choose your board in platformio.ini
- Compile
- Upload to you board
- Lean back and wait for your device to join
(Hope I didn’t forgot a step)
I did not get my TTGO today so I got one more day to think. It was the DEVEUI I wonder how to get. I see TTN got a sketch -> Deviceinfo that will give it.
The paxcounter software (if installed on the module) shows the DEVEUI on the OLED-display while the module is starting. Take a picture with your smartphone, look at it, and enter the DEVEUI in TTN console.
I usually generate the DevEUI in the TTN console and use that…
You can do so, you need to copy/paste the generated DEVEUI in file /src/loraconf.h and then build the code.
It is better to generate a DEVEUI from a MAC address (if the device has one) than let the console create a random DEVEUI (but both will work).
Most of the devices I have can’t generate an Id which is guaranteed to be unique. So between a non unique ´hardware´ Id and the TTN one, I take the easy route.
But you are right, when the device has a unique MAC it is better to use it —I am just lazy.
The ESP32 has one.
But indeed, letting the Console generate one is easier (unless you want to be able to uniquely identify your nodes).
I installed the paxcounter on two devices: ttgov21 and ttgov2. On ttgov21 all is well, on ttgov2 the node is joining and had success, “joined” is shown in the OLED and I see the joining in TTN console. The first package with zero payload seems to appear in TTN console but on OLED of the node the package is queued. After a while OLED displays the message “Lora busy” and nothing else happens. What’s going wrong? I tried on 2 different ttgov2 boards with the same result.