Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 2

Single Channel Gateway maybe?


I am at the first attempts of operation with Esp32 Heltec

I am only installed the library
and I using the sample ttn-abp.ino sketch in the library

I have not modified anything in the code, except the fields NWKSKEY, APPSKEY , DEVADDR and correct the lmic_pinmap.

I’m using Single Channel Gateway Raspberry + LoraBee

I did a test (do not ask me why I did it … I do not know, just a test), but the result is strange
I commented on the following lines

I went from 8 frames to 3

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Not doing any configuration will make your node use the 3 default channels. The single-channel gateway will be listening to one of them, so on average you’ll get one-third of the messages.

(To make a test node only use one channel, see Can LMIC 1.6 be set up to use a single channel and SF?)


Problem of transmitted frames lost: SOLVED :+1:

Following the instructions suggested by @arjanvanb

Thank you all for your help

But remember: having a node sending on only 1 channel is outside of LoRaWAN standard and not good for the network / gateway capacity.

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You’re right … I’m making gateways and sensors as cheap as possible, for hobbies.
If the experimentation is successful I will switch to something standard Lorawan :sunglasses:

For the ESP32 versions of SCG which of the DIO pins of the LoRa device are needed, or does it just vary with the implementation ?

I have seen the ESP8266 SCG and that needs DIO0, DIO1 and DIO2 in a diode OR arrangement.

I also note that one Pi SCG uses only GPIO0 and another that appears to uses GPIO0, GPIO1 and GPIO5.

The use of DIO0 and DIO1 I can understand (also used for LMIC nodes) but DIO2 is FhssChangeChanel in LoRa and direct modulation in FSK so is that being implemented in the Gateways ?

Just joined the community. This is my 1st contribution.
I’ve designed a 3d Printed Case for TTGO LilyGO V2

Here’s the link:

Feel free to comment. I will try to fix eventual errors.

A suggestion: It would be great if there would be a 3D Printing thread/category.


welcome… and you can start a 3D printing thread if you feel like it.
printertypes , tips and tricks, models related to TTN ect. :wink:

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thank you. added this great 3d to my 1000nodes.project idea (

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The reason for asking the question is that the ESP32 has just enough I\O pins to allow for it to drive 3 SPI LoRa devices such as RFM9x, so a 3 channel receiver ought to be possible. Not sure if its practical though.

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Cool. Interesting project btw!

ordered 1 piece via thingiverse / Treatstock print service.

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i did a little rework of the pinout for TTGO V1 (V1 mirrored) and V2.
I would like to share these and will attach them to this post.
it would be nice if someone can check the pinout and give me a short reply if there is something thats wrong or could be done better.

Thanks in advance - have a nice day


Update: V1 mirrored removed permanently as a request from bluejedi. V2 removed temporarily for further research.

The V2 board looks pretty good to me.

Ignore me. I was looking at an old pinout

First, the graphics are nice but:

What about reading this thread first and check the correctness of the pinout yourself first! :wink:
Your pinout of the V2 contains several (copied) errors.
There already is a much improved version of the TTGO V2 (compared to the ‘original’) available in the Opening Post of this thread (read it).

Why a mirrored version of V1? This will lead to confusion.
If your purpose of ‘mirrored’ is to create a Bottom View of the pinout then you should show the bottom side of the board (and title it Bottom View), not the top side because that is very confusing and error prone.

I suggest you remove the current version of your ‘V1 mirrored’ pinout and the V2 with errors.
You could replace ‘V1 mirrored’ with a Bottom View version.
There is a better and more correct TTGO V2 pinout in the opening post already.

Note: You can edit a post only a limited number of days so don’t rely on thinking you can edit/replace them at a later moment.


Nope. Stand corrected. I was looking at an old pinout sheet when I compared them

Thanks for youre reply bluejedi - as it was not very constructive - more reproachful - so i compared again the pinout for V2 with the one you mentioned and i could not find that lot of ‘errors’ you have complained about?! My template was the pinout from the seller at aliexpress and compared with that it is correct. Compared to your mentioned version in the opening post there are some changes for the lora pins and the oled pins are swapped - so this is full of errors for you?? Please let me know where the other errors - you named them copied errors are.

For me i have to check the pinout at the real board with the pinout for v2 you mentioned - currently i dont know which one is the right one (seller or post from here) until that i will remove my v2 version based on seller one and come back after doing some checks, but as i have already said the difference is only in the additional wired pins (LoRa and OLED) the ESP32 pins are all correct (except the doubled GPIO12 - GPIO11 i have to check for sure…)!

The mirrored V1 is valid too - there are some boards that are delivered with exactly that pin out - but as they are all replaced with the ‘new’ pinout (did not find them anymore at aliexpress) i accept your request to remove it to prevent confusion (i used the color red to achieve that… obviously that did not work)

Createing a bottom view version did not lead to any advantage from my point of view… so that was defintly not my intention with the mirrored one - just for clarification.

Thanks for your note - if there is something dramatically wrong im sure there is some admin able to change or even delete a post. Just sayin.

Thanks for removing.

You will be able to make the comparison yourself but I will give you some clues:

  • Twice pin 12
  • One of the pin 12’s is not pin 12/GPIO12
  • Pin 11 is not pin 11/GPIO 11
  • Incorrect MOSI/MISO labeling

‘Copied errors’ because these errors were copied (not corrected) from the original
(while that information was already provided in this thread).