Hi there,
first of all: Awesome community!
Second: I am having a ton of problems to get my test setup working.
It basically consists of one single channel gateway with a nodemcu and the RFM95. I am running this code here: https://github.com/things4u/ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0, but for some reason once the gateway starts, I just get a bunch of those error messages: https://github.com/things4u/ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0/issues/20
What do they mean and has anyone had similar problems?
Secondly I am building my node with an Arduino Pro mini and another RFM95. This I also can not get working. In fact I can’t even find code that compiles for it. I want to use this library:https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic
I basically need just a sketch that sends “Hello” every few seconds to check if the node works. But when I try to compile I get the following error messages:
/tmp/ccCR9spz.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function calcBcnRxWindowFromMillis': /home/user/Arduino4/libraries/arduino-lmic-master/src/lmic/lmic.c:412: undefined reference to
I hope someone here can help me. This took me multiple days so far and I still don’t know what my problem is.