Basic setup (Arduino Pro Mini, ESP8266, RFM95)

Hi there,
first of all: Awesome community!
Second: I am having a ton of problems to get my test setup working.
It basically consists of one single channel gateway with a nodemcu and the RFM95. I am running this code here:, but for some reason once the gateway starts, I just get a bunch of those error messages:

What do they mean and has anyone had similar problems?

Secondly I am building my node with an Arduino Pro mini and another RFM95. This I also can not get working. In fact I can’t even find code that compiles for it. I want to use this library:
I basically need just a sketch that sends “Hello” every few seconds to check if the node works. But when I try to compile I get the following error messages:
/tmp/ccCR9spz.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function calcBcnRxWindowFromMillis': /home/user/Arduino4/libraries/arduino-lmic-master/src/lmic/lmic.c:412: undefined reference totable_get_ostime’

I hope someone here can help me. This took me multiple days so far and I still don’t know what my problem is.

Hi Algram
you tried to check the open and closed issues in : ?

if it’s not there, you can open an issue

It is not there and so I opened an issue, as linked in my fpost above :slight_smile:

Did you open an issue on the LMIC github page, I don’t see anything new there? I see you opened one for your gateway but not in the LMIC repository.

Outside of that, assuming you are using the Arduino IDE is it up to date, as are all the modules? Also are you transmitting in 915mhz or 868mhz?