Basic Device Connections

The Netvox should have an AppEUI and an AppKey on it’s box - the DevEUI is unique to each device. I don’t need them, but can you confirm that they are present.

Where in the world are you? We’ll need to enter the correct region settings when setting up the device.

Hi there Descartes
I am in North Wales
Running a outdoor Gemtech WAN-232N gateway
Yes I have the AppEUI they came separately from the unit

And AppKey>

Yes got an AppKey as well, they were all sent out on a spreadsheet.

Cool. I’ll jot down some notes in the morning.

@RemoteDatum, apologies for the delay in this, adding some screen shots to the notes later on today.

Thanks - that would be really helpful, not made much progress myself. I need to sit down and spend some real concentration & time on it.

I Can’t connect a polysense to TTN v3.
On GW log have this error:
“Drop uplink message. Host cluster failed to handle message: Entity not found”

Any idea? Thanks!

Unless you have specific evidence such as time coordination with your node transmission, that may well be from some entirely other TTN or even non-TTN node. It’s expected to see many such messages.

I Can’t connect a polysense to TTN v3.

What exactly have you tried?

What exactly have you tried?

connect a polysense sensor to TTN v3.
I add a new GW to TTN and now I like connect a sensor.


If you want any help you’re going to have to start being, far, far, far more specific.

I have a polysense WXS8800. I need connect to TTN v3.

This is the setup:

Activation mode: OTAA

LoRaWAN version: MAC v1.0.2

AppEUI: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
DevEUI: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Fecuency plan: Australia (Used by TTN)
Regional Parameters version: PHY 1.0.2 REV B

On TTN sensor live data can’t see any activity.
On TTN GW live data show:

Receive uplink message JoinEUI 2017080000000000 DevEUI 201706131D000005 Bandwidth 125000 SNR 11.5 RSSI -44 Raw payload 0000000000000817200500001D13061720
“Drop uplink message. Host cluster failed to handle message: Entity not found”

could you help my, please?
Thank in advance.

Those don’t appear to match your device settings, so either that isn’t from your node, you are mistaken about the device settings, or the message is misleading…

The -44 RSSI does suggest it is yours though, so I’d try to double check your impression of what the device settings are or should be.

It’s also unclear if you set a matching AppKey between device and network, you will get nowhere until you have


Are not the same device, if the DevEUI matches you should register the device with that JoinEUI as AppEUI.

Thanks Kersing!

Now, with the correct AppEUI (2017080000000000) on device setup, I see messages on live data page.

On sensor:

Drop join-request Uplink channel not found 
Receive  join-request JoinEUI 2017080000000000 DevEUI 201706131D000005 Bandwidth 125000 SNR -12.5 RSSI -111 Raw payload 0000000000000817200500001D130617

On Gw:

Drop uplink message Host `cluster` failed to handle message: Uplink channel not found
Forward uplink message
Receive uplink message JoinEUI 2017080000000000 DevEUI 201706131D000005 Bandwidth 125000 SNR -10 RSSI -103 Raw payload 0000000000000817200500001D13061720

If this message is significant and not spurious, it suggests you have inconsistent choice of regional frequency plan (or for AU915, sub-band) between device, gateway, their respective registrations in TTN and the particular server address the gateway is pointed at.

Thanks cslorabox!


on sensor:

Drop join-request MIC mismatch
Join-request to cluster-local Join Server failed MIC mismatch

on GW:

Drop uplink message Host `cluster` failed to handle message: MIC mismatch
Forward uplink message

I found the mistake: wrong App Key.

Thanks to all!