AWS trust setting change?

Hi everyone, when connecting to AWS IoT Core using the CloudFormation stack, an IAM Role is created with a trust relationship with a Principal ARN of “arn:aws:iam::097768003349:root”, however this setting results in an error being visible on the TTN side after manually creating a device (as a Thing) in AWS.

Changing the trust relationship to the ARN shown in the error message caused the integration to start working correctly. In this case the correct ARN was “arn:aws:sts::678672909819:assumed-role/au1-routing-services-ApplicationServerTaskRole-D1TU7HI8D2KI/3404a2a5401441038542f544e478bfdc”

This ARN appears to be specific to a single TTN application. Is there a different value that would work for all integrations/applications? Is there a more up-to-date CloudFormation template?

Should this value be “arn:aws:iam::678672909819:root” for the ap-southeast-2 region?