I am having good results testing using an ATtiny85 as a sleep supervisor as it idles at less than 1uA waiting for a hardware interrupt. I have little programming experience however and have trouble making SoftwareSerial library work with the sleep library, anybody try this?
I would like detect an event and then drive a high-side switch using the ATtiny upon wake-up from deep sleep, write the packet counter to a totally powered down (ABP) LoRaWAN node. A serial message would be ideal but I guess I could tap it out in morse! A simple digital indication from the LoRaWAN node after transmit could sleep the node again.
Greetings! Question on the initial ATtiny85 + RFM95 sensor. I’m trying to recreate the assembly and noticed the wiring has the ATtiny PB1 (which is normally designated for MISO) connected to the MOSI terminal of the RFM95. Is that correct? Yes I’m new to this but did a separate LoRa project and it had MOSI from an Ardunio Uno connected to the MOSI terminal of the RFM95.
You need the MISO pin for uploading the program to the ATtiny.
If you use SPI in this case USI you need the DI and DO pinout.
MISO and DO share the same pin PB1.
Hi Leo. I like your lora node with the ATTiny84a. It works well. I am trying to get just pressure and voltage (and maybe temp). Despite cutting out the random three frequencies, I am still 32 bytes over! Do you know how I can swap humidity for pressure?? It seems to do a lot of calculations for pressure - but my programming is not up to it.
Thank you Jeff. That is exactly what I did in the end. I message Leo on his project page and he kindly rewrote the code to simply send the register data. Then it only uses about 60% of capacity. I was trying to work out height accurately using https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1224579725
In the end I had one node, at a known height with outside temperature, sending data and the other sending the pressure data to work out height from. Accuracy with a 99p Chinese BMP280 is approx ± one metre, except when the wind blows a lot when error doubles. Still ok. I searched five sites before finding Tago.io which does nice calculations with two nodes. My node.js script is the world’s worst script but it works.