The goal what I want is OTAA(over the air activation) communication with Arduino(or raspberry pi 3) - Gateway(raspberry pi 3 or arduino) - TTN(the thing network).
##Question 1. I tried all the comments, but i get the following error. how can i fix error ?
C:\Users\Jaeho Shin\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino-lmic-master\src \lmic\radio.c:702
##Question 2. is this link correct gateway source code ?
Are you using the example code the vendor supplies? Would make life easier I think… (You need hybrid example on the page )
Regarding 2: No. The code you need is ‘single channel gateway’ code. TTN does not make this available as it is not LoRaWAN compliant. The forum contains plenty on the subject…
Do i have to supply extra power to the shield? how can i do it ?
I just supply power(5v) to arduino with computer serial cable.
I used not cooking hacks code but LMIC library v1.5 and want to Node — (LoRa-phy) — Node communication.
To the next step, i want to upload LoRaWAN MAC code(LMIC otta.ino, abp.ino) at node and gateway.
ps. About power in LMIC library, it is good to supply 3.3v to arduino. Then, how can i confirm the data is transmitted? As serial cable, i can check transmit with arduino serial monitor.
Check their website, provides instructions on both node to node and node to gateway communication. Also specifies the command to use to enable power to the socket. (It seems the sockets do not receive power by default,)
For the next step you need either a full gateway or use the single channel gateway code. LMIC abp and otaa are for node only.