Hi The Things forum!
Im using:
LoRaWAN MAC Version: 1.0.2 (revB)
MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC Library, version 4.1.
A device that sends one unconfirmed uplink with data hourly.
The time it takes for an end device to realise that the uplink messages are not seen by the gateway is too long. There are 2 constants called LINK_CHECK_DEAD = 32 and LINK_CHECK_UNJOIN = 56.
I’m wondering if I could decrease these values so that the device could detect that info is not going through.
So that if (LMIC.adrAckReq > LINK_CHECK_DEAD) the device is increasing SF etc in an earlier stage. Is this solution something you would recommend or is there a smarter way?
Thank you!
This logic is currently implemented:
if( LMIC.adrAckReq > LINK_CHECK_DEAD ) {
// We haven't heard from NWK for some time although we
// asked for a response for some time - assume we're disconnected. Lower DR one notch.
EV(devCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::LINK_DEAD,
e_.eui = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
e_.info = LMIC.adrAckReq));
dr_t newDr = decDR((dr_t)LMIC.datarate);
// newDr must be feasible; there must be at least
// one channel that supports the new datarate. If not, stay
// at current datarate (which finalizes things).
if (! LMICbandplan_isDataRateFeasible(newDr)) {
LMICOS_logEventUint32("LINK_CHECK_DEAD, new DR not feasible", (newDr << 8) | LMIC.datarate);
newDr = LMIC.datarate;
if( newDr == (dr_t)LMIC.datarate) {
// We are already at the minimum datarate
// if the link is already marked dead, we need to join.
#if !defined(DISABLE_JOIN)
if ( LMIC.adrAckReq > LINK_CHECK_UNJOIN ) {
LMIC.opmode |= OP_UNJOIN;
#endif // !defined(DISABLE_JOIN)
} else if (newDr == LORAWAN_DR0) {
// the spec says: the ADRACKReq shall not be set if
// the device uses its lowest available data rate.
// (1.0.3,, line 458)
// We let the count continue to increase.
} else {
// we successfully lowered the data rate...
// reset so that we'll lower again after the next
// 32 uplinks.
// Decrease DataRate and restore fullpower.
setDrTxpow(DRCHG_NOADRACK, newDr, pow2dBm(0));
// be careful only to report EV_LINK_DEAD once.
u2_t old_opmode = LMIC.opmode;
LMIC.opmode = old_opmode | OP_LINKDEAD;
if (LMIC.opmode != old_opmode)
reportEventNoUpdate(EV_LINK_DEAD); // update?