Adeunis Field Test Device - Firmware updates

Hi. I have a Adeunis Field Test Device ARF8123AA with firmware APP V01.01.02 and RTU V01.07.03. Since then, the company has updated the firmware to v. 2.

Does anyone know about a way of updating the firmware? I emailed the support of the company but haven’t yet received a reply. - Thanks Ph

See on their site : and the release note :
You can not download this update from their site, so *need to ask them for the update. If they don’t react, sen a other/reminder mail again.
If the download is public available then we all can go further. Keep us informed

Maybee a check, did you download the “IOT configurator” version 1.5.0 from their site.
I think you can upgrade with that tool.
There is a option with a update catalog in it, and then select "Field test Device … "
So take a look to that pdonner
If I will come on the office next week I will check my version

Many thanks for detailed and useful information. Following the advise on the page you referred to, I submitted a ticket. Let’s hope they will answer promptly.

I’ll also check the update capability of the IOT Configurator, but perhaps I’ll start by waiting a few days on the reactions of Adeunis’ support. Perhaps there could be some intricacies related to the update process of early firmware versions.

The IoT Configurator v. 1.5.0 seems to be useful for the one who has lost the device package and the sticker. Here you can read (not configure) device data (name, model), DEV EUI (IoT Configurator calls it Network ID), APP EUI, APP KEY, firmware APP version and RTU version.

The advanced section executes two of the available AT commands (AT/V and AT/S), which is a little bit less than what can be achieved with a terminal. The software doesn’t advise the device to end command mode at exit. Couldn’t find a way of updating firmware here. Perhaps there are some hidden AT commands I didn’t have time to hack. - No reply on the ticket I raised so far.

I got my version and that is all ready the version v2.00.00/02
How did I get that on that version ???
I got the device all ready for a year or one a half
Mabe wait on a answere off your ticket

Submitting a ticket to the manufacturer’s support was the right way to proceed. Thanks for helpful guidance. Received a reply from kind Adeunis support after x-mas with all necessary material and a step by step guide on how to install the up to date firmware version. There was a limit on early hardware versions - as expected - but I managed to pass that constraint.

Now I can download the logged data which also includes lat/lon coordinates of messages which didn’t reach the packet forwarder (and TTN). That’s useful when planning gateway locations in order to achieve full coverage. If the manufacturer would relay altitude info, this device could still be much more capable as a field test and mapping device, as intended.

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On witch version are you now?

This is what I received:

8123AAB_PRG_2001_V02.00.00.arf for the APP firmware
8134CAA_PRG_2001_V02.00.02.arf for the RTU firmware

Apparently no updates since the major revision that you received with your unit.

The French support page on firmware updates dates back to 2018 and cites these versions to be the up-to-date packages (‘Versions FW à jour’).

RTU: 8134AAE_PRG_1701_V01.04.00
APP: 8123AAB_PRG_1701_V01.00.07

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