ABP device firmware for any network?

Is it possible to have devices with a unique DevAddr that can be set up with any network, or must the DevAddr be matched with the network(e.g. TTN)?

I saw this list of prefixes for DevAddr for each network, however I can still use any DevAddr for multiple networks without errors. Will networks eventually block out wrong DevAddresses or what?


Dev Addr starting 00 or 01 are considered ‘experimental’ nodes under LoRaWAN and in theory can be used on any network - TTN supports - but many - esp commercial networks now block/disallow. Note DevAddr is not unique on any network - its the combination of DevEUI & AppEUI that identifies in the network :wink:

Otherwise the 1st 2 digits tie back to the service providers NetID

Ok, are there any downsides from having 00 or 01?

Yes I know that it is not unique. From what I understand, in ABP mode you only need to set DevAddr, NWKSKEY and APPSKEY. I am trying to have a way of having the same firmware (except ID) for all network providers.

DEVEUI and APPEUI are not needed?

Thanks again

1stly ABP not as secure and not recommended, 2ndly many networks becoming intolerant of ABP as well as 00/01 both in terms of policy and in terms of network function…this will only get harder/worse as standards and networks evolve - we have seen that with the TTN V2 to TTS(CE) aka V3 transition over last few months… devices have to be hot and correct on handling e.g. downloads MAC commands etc.

Best way to handle getting on multiple networks it to go for a Roaming implementation (with supporting networks) per L-A standards and best practice or - emerging in scale now - make use of networks supporting PacketBroker initiative from the TTi team - that is being used to handle exchange between V2 & V3 which can be though of as 2 different networks with same geo overlay (as V3 GW’s transition or are built out), inerop wit ChirpStack based networks, and ofcourse other TTS based private build outs who choose to peer…

And you can have the same firmware for all network providers.

But if you are implying that you will put the ids/EUIs/keys in to the firmware, how will the devices appear different on the network or indeed if on a peered network, networks, from each other.

Use different settings from an external chip or serial port provisioning when shipping a batch using OTAA.