Abp - automatic resgistration


I have a gps tracker which was working perfectly in V2 in ABP mode.
Now I have converted it V3 → no change in the device itself which still in ABP.

In order to have it alive, I have created in V3 an end device and as soon I push the register button in the end device creation page, the tracker comes alive like a charm.
I have however a problem : the tracker is installed in my car and started/stopped togheter with the car. It means each time its power supply is turned on/off. In V2, the tracker came alive and I could see its activity in the console. Now in V3, in order to have it working, I need to recreate each time the end device in order to have it registered and working.

What is wrong ? What can I do in order that it comes alive each time I start my car

Thank you in advance for the help.

additional information : I have a gateway and I can see its activity. As soon I turn on the tracker, I can see immediately that the tracker send data.

Is FCount conserved or does it restart from zero each time it powers on?

In device settings go to network layer advanced MAC settings and check the box ‘Reset frame counters’.

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perfect !! thank you

If that means it is forgetting the frame count, that is a violation of the LoRaWAN spec.

The mentioned frame count reset allowance is a bit of a hacky workaround for that violation, but it is still very much a violation.

A proper LoRaWAN device absolutely must remember key details of what it has done before - this requires either battery backup or a high write count storage device like an FRAM or some careful strategization around a medium write count device like an EEPROM.

I am not sure I understand it all and you are certainly right…
I have no idea how I could find a solution. I do that for fun and it works now, that is all it count… :grinning:

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