About the The Things Stack v3 category

This category is for discussions and questions around The Things Network Stack for LoRaWAN v3.

Before starting new topics, make sure to check the following links, as they may already contain the answer to your question:

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Thanks for this, its really helpful to get this all together. It seems there is quite a few people all doing things!

Hi Team,

I want to test iotagent LoRaWAN with my dummy device data. I have followed the steps described in the below document.

Install iotagent-LoRaWAN using docker
Provisioning a device with attribute: temperature,
Now I want to check the flow is working correctly by sending the temperature value.
But I don’t have the real device/sensor. I want to send data using my dummy device.

Please guide me how I can test with my dummy device?


With the new update, can we still build our own gateways with this tutorial? Home · ttn-zh/ic880a-gateway Wiki · GitHub
If so, whats the difference between the remote configuration option and local?

Thank you in advance for your help,
