Finally, I am tired of the Semtech GUI tool and the customized Excel sheets, let’s move to the elegant cmdline tool together .
Source code:
And how to use it:
./lrc -h
Usage: lrc [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Help
-v, --version Version 0.0.1
-b, --bw, --bandwidth <uint> Bandwidth in hz, eg: 125000, 250000, 203125
-s, --sf, --spread-factor <uint> Spread factor (5 - 12)
-o, --ldro, --low-datarate-optimize <bool> Low datarate optimize (on / off)
-f, --fs, --fine-synch <bool> Fine synch for high speed lora SF5 and SF6,
-i, --li, --long-interleaving <bool> Available in 2.4GHz lora (sx128x)
-c, --cr, --coderate <uint> coding rate CR4/5 CR4/6... (1 - 4)
-r, --pr, --preamble <uint> Raw preamble lenght
-d, --hdr, --header <bool> Header option (on / off)
-k, --crc, <bool> CRC option (on / off)
-l, --pl, --payload <uint> payload length
Moderator edit - surely you meant sheets?