my name is Omari and Im new to this forum.
I’m living in Israel and Im trying to build my own LORA based system. for that I looking for the right lora transceiver to use that will be suitable with my county regulations.
correct for now the allowed band is 915 - 917MHz but its gonna change in the near future to be 917-920MHz.
as well as, In transmitting mode any frequency under 917MHz it should not pass -36 dBm in RBW of 100KHz , and for any frequency above 920MHz it should not pass -30 dBm in RBW of 100KHz.
In receiving mode or any other mode it should not pass -47 dBm in RBW of 100KHz.
how can I know what transceiver I can use?
The range of center frequencies mentioned in your post are within the operating range of most 915 Mhz (or similar) LoRa gear, both node and gateway class radios.
However the power levels cited are truly miniscule, many order of magnitude below those typically used, eg, a typical LoRaWAN device might output between 0-14 dBm, maybe in a few cases more or less.
I suspect the cited power levels are some sort of mistake of transcription or applicability. I suspect there is something else being left out of the conditions, such as that these are limits on spurious energy, or averaged over a duty cycle, or something. Otherwise the conclusion would basically be that this isn’t going to be practically useful in your area.
Perhaps there are other users local to you who could provide more meaningful guidance.