>5000 Active Gateways!

Way to go… >5k active gateways (1st time I’ve seen that stat) + near 52k Devs & near 33k Apps :slight_smile: I recall we passed 3k earlier this year (Feb) so >60% growth in ~9Months (almost to the day!)


and whois Nr. 5000 ???

he/she wins a BIG cake … :sunglasses:



I was trying :smile: - have 3 new RPi0W based builds here that I just cant get on to WiFi to register :frowning: and have been struggling with since b4 TTN Norwich meet - ah well maybe try again at weekend…add to my ~3% of UK GW’s! (Must try harder… :thinking: )

bad luck… So you’re NOT gateway 5000 :rofl:

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:thinking: There is always 6,000 :slight_smile:


Who is the winner ??

@wienkegiezeman @laurens @rish :sunglasses: