I am using the TTN Gateway (US915) purchased from Newark updated to 1.04 beta firmware.
First I tried to have both nodes connected to the same application but only one would work. I made sure that each node has a unique deveui and appkey but the same appeui. It was always to first to join that continued to function. It didn’t matter which node joined first.
In each node I am using the LMIC library installed directly from the Library Manager of the Arduino IDE.
After messing around for several days I decided to try creating an application for each device. Now both nodes are working as expected.
Node info
Feather M0 RFM95, transmitting every 5 min, “Hello World” payload, 46mS tx time, SF7BW125, rssi -49
Anarduino RFM95, transmitting every 1 min, “Hello World” payload, 46mS tx time, SF7BW125, rssi -51
The TTN Gateway has been a nightmare with reboots and weird problems so perhaps there are issues there. I have a RAK831 and LorixOne in route so in a week or two I’ll be able to eliminate the doubts I have regarding the gateway.
I am really new to lorawan but I expected to be able to connect many devices to the same application. Any insight or tips?
I tried to send the info requested but as soon as I add a second node the TTN GW just reboots.
When a node works it tries to join, then it joins successfully, then queues a packet and sends the packet. There are no errors on the node side. The gw should not be rebooting like this no matter what the nodes are sending it.
I will wait for the new gateways that should be arriving next week.
Supposedly there is a new update for the ttn gw in “week 30” which is the end of July.