Wir haben nun eine eigene Karte
By Frank Radzio
12 February 2019Wir machen ja schon einiges mit Node-RED im IoT Umfeld und nach einem Hinweis von Reinhard Nickels auf Twitter habe ich auch mal den Worldmap Node ei…
Our mission is to provide the northern Part of Schleswig-Holstein (here it's called Southern Schleswig) with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
The idea to establish an own TTN Community that has it's origin in the Freifunk SL-FL Community and we found our home in the great network knit by FreiFunk.
We’re a continuously growing group and after a start with 3 gateways we have already 8 working gateways in different places across whole South Schleswig.
After making first experiences our focus lies in finding appropriate use-cases for LoRaWAN appliances, e.g. measuring certain environmental parameters at locations with no Internet connection and no power source or to provide a network for security in Yacht Clubs along the coast. There are so many ideas waiting for realisation.
As mentioned above we are a small but growing group of enthusiasts and interested in LoRa technology and the synergy we can get out of the connection between The Things Network and FreiFunk.
Consequently we established a regular meeting every 3rd Friday at different places. Also in the very near future we’re going to offer workshops to support the building of gateways or nodes.
To bring this together we do have a webpage where you can find further information and of course tons of links and material to work on.
So we are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Southern Schleswig.
Unser Ziel ist es, den Landesteil Schleswig mit einem Netzwerk zur Anbindung an das sogenannte „Internet of Things“ zu versorgen. Unsere Engagement findet seinen Ursprung und ihre Heimat in der Gemeinschaft des Freifunks SL-FL und soll schließlich auf dem Fundament dieses Netzwerkes aufgebaut werden.
Wir sind eine kontinuierlich wachsende Gruppe und nach einem Start mit 3 Gateways, haben wir heute 8 Gateways in Betrieb, die über ganz Südschleswig verteilt sind.
Nachdem wir erste Erfahrungen machen konnten, liegt unser Augenmerk heute in der Entwicklung von Anwendungen, wie z.B. von Sensoren zur Ermittlung spezieller Umweltdaten an Orten ohne Internetanbindung und ohne Energieversorgung oder eines Netzwerkes für Sicherheitsanwendungen in Segelclubs entlang der Küste. Auf uns warten so viele Ideen, die wir gemeinsam umsetzen können.
Wie bereits erwähnt, wir sind nur eine kleine Gruppe von Leuten, die sich für die LoRa Technik und die Synergien interessiert, die wir aus der Verbindung mit dem FreiFunk Netz gewinnen können.
So war es nur konsequent, dass wir ein regelmäßiges Treffen jeden dritten Freitag an unterschiedlichen Orten etabliert haben. Darüber hinaus wird es in der nahen Zukunft auch Workshops zum Bau von Nodes und Gateways geben.
Um all das zusammenzubringen, haben wir eine Webpage aufgebaut, auf der Ihr weitere Informationen und zahlreiche Links zu weiterführenden Themen und Fragestellungen finden könnt.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich, als Teil dieser Gemeinschaft. Nimm einfach Kontakt mit uns auf und hilf uns, das Internet der Dinge in unserem Landesteil in Fahrt zu bringen.
Our mission is to provide the northern Part of Schleswig-Holstein (here it's called Southern Schleswig) with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
The idea to establish an own TTN Community that has it's origin in the Freifunk SL-FL Community and we found our home in the great network knit by FreiFunk.
We’re a continuously growing g…
Official community
And 31 contributors.
Show allWir machen ja schon einiges mit Node-RED im IoT Umfeld und nach einem Hinweis von Reinhard Nickels auf Twitter habe ich auch mal den Worldmap Node ei…
Netzfeld: Die Konferenz zur digitalen Zukunft des Landlebens
Ehrenamt und Digitalisierung
Termin: 16.02.2019 10-19 Uhr
Ort: Globetrotter Lodge, Asche…
Wir beteiligen uns am Wettbewerb Stadt.Land.Digital mit einem Projekt 1000 Nodes für Schleswig-Holstein.
Bitte votet für unser Projekt oip.netze-neu-…
Wir werden Teil von Code for Deutschland und sind dann unter OK LAB Schleswig-Flensburg zu finden.
Wir versprechen uns davon eine bessere Sichtbarkei…
Der Verein Nucleon e.V. hat den Ausbau von LoRaWAN Gateways im ländlichen Raum als Projekt angemeldet.
Ziel ist es ein Netzwerk von Gateways im Gebi…
Hallo und Moin Moin.
Unser nächstes Treffen findet am 21.09.2018 um 18:00 Uhr in Husby statt.
Hier sind wir schon des öfteren zu gast gewesen und der…
Nach einer längeren Vorbereitung ist es nun soweit, wir gründen einen Verein.
Wir wollen im Bereich der Bildung den digitalen Themen eine breitere Ba…
Stammtisch 18.05.2018 18.00 Uhr
Freifunk und IoT Stammtisch , Pastor-Witt-Straße 6, 24873 Havetoft
Es wird eine Führung über den Landwirtschaftlichen…
No only that our community has placed again some more gateways, thre're also located over borders in different countries. We think, this a very good …
we're a small community ....but capable, aren't we ;-)
What a motivation to do much more!
Today (Friday, January the 12th) at 6pm we will meet together with Freifunk Schleswig-Flensburg at the Hotel Hohenzollern in Schleswig.
It's the star…
...how great is this development :-) We're on a steady course on our way to bring the net to the people!
...into TTN.
Today we had the chance to discuss our efforts to let grow our community.
Many ideas for new hardware and the right way to communicate a…
...I got a package of several weather sensors ;-)
More data for our network!
A few days ago there were some pcbs laying on my workbench. And now, only a few days later, the bunch of parts (some of them are really really tiny )…
... for our TTN Schleswig network is now on its way! After a long journey through the German customs maze it finally found the way to my workshop. So…
Yeah, we need more! But inbetween we can help out with small single channel gateways - just for experimentation and to get more experience.
Thanks t…
That's so great!!! We have 4 running gateways! Now let's fill up the gaps :-)
....you can meet (some of) our community at the weekend HACK event in Flensburg. It will take place from Friday 30/6 until Sunday 2/7.
Hope 2 c u her…
But that doesn't mean that nothing happens ;-) We're driving our projects and we're learning a lot. Thanks to the inspiration we got from the big IOT…
... wired things seems wierd! But with the right philosophy you'll find the right way: Think.....AGAIN!
it seems very quiet here.... some "hardware issues" do need my very attention. But be sure, we're working on infrastructure and sensortech.
....it's the right idea to chill and relax to find new ideas and real great inventions :-)
...is done: we're now not just 9 contributors! No! To describe how many enthusiasts work together on our goal to connect the ..... world you now need…
....obstacles ;-) So I need a proper workaround to find the mistake !
Hope it's not between my ears....
....yesterday some of us had the chance to talk to a very open (source :-)) minded journalist (thx Anja Christiansen)
and today I found an article i…
...it seems that's a bit quiet here. But we're concentrating on our projects and future plans. Every idea is welcome and of course every new contrib…
Now we're on GitLab! Also a great space to work together and to share our ideas ......
Here we are
We're official!!!
That's soooooo great.....thanks to all contributors and enthusiasts!
We' re ready and on our way to support Southern Schleswig with…
The first meetup! The whole core team came together. A great success because first plans get a structure and a perspective. Small but steady steps wi…
Let's unleash TTN Schleswig and let's also be an important part of the Freifunk SL-FL community.
Together we build a great IoT infrastructure for the…
first things first....
....it's a great honour to welcome our 8th member and contributor :-) The next step is clicking this blue button to be an offi…
Just got the backplane from Tindie (Thx Gonzalo for the great support!) for the DIY Gateway . A little soldering and drilling and IP 54 casing and a …
It's a great honour for me to welcome our 7th member and contributor! We're making a good progress and grow continously.
The path is clear - we're go…
Simple dht sensor will (hopefully) provide its data ...
I'll keep u informed.
hey....we're growing so fast! Great!
Welcome to our new contributors and TTN enthusiasts!
Let's connect SL-FL together!!!!
We got our 2nd Gateway.... and so we're only a few steps away from being a full community!
So let's celebrate a little :-)
Wir hab…
We got the 4th member! Great and much more welcome!!!!
The Schleswig Community is growing and developing in a very positve way..... let's go on!
Had just a very nice Hangout with Rish, one of the TTN guys! It was a great opportunity to explain at which stage we are and what we're doing. Rish a…
.....and a very warm welcome to the 2nd contributor! Let's build the net together :-)
Und so findet die bisher winzige TTN Community in Schleswig eine Heimat im Freifunk SL-FL
Danke für die Gastfreundschaft :-)
And so the tiny TTN Comm…
With the start of our community page I hope that many other enthusiasts will find the way to the TTN Network.
So I'm looking forward....
come and …
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
blaubarschbube is now part of Suedschleswig community
There is a new meetup from community nearby (Kiel)
The Things Network Suedschleswig organizes a Meetup on 21 February
There is a new published community nearby (Kreis Plön)
Sönke Brix posted an update in The Things Network Suedschleswig: "Some...."
via email: ttn.schleswig@gmail.com
via twitter: @TTNSchleswig
via Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#lorawan-sl-fl:matrix.ffslfl.net
via Mailingliste: https://lists.iot-usergroup.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
Homepage http://iot-usergroup.de/
Forum (deutsch) https://forum.iot-usergroup.de/c/ttn-suedschleswig
Wiki http://wiki.iot-usergroup.de