2nd Gateway added to Santa Rosa Community
By Joe Miller
25 June 2018The Santa Rosa Community's 2nd gateway is up and running at 180 Studios off Todd Rd in South Santa Rosa . 3 more are in the planning stage.
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Our mission is to provide the entire Santa Rosa area with free, community-owned Internet of Things (IoT) data connectivity based on a Long Range Wide-Area Network (LoRaWAN). The network is free and based on an open-source stack managed and owned by the community.
With this resource, community members can design, build and test devices and applications for a wide range of use cases like Air Quality Monitoring, Pet/Cattle/Livestock Tracking, Irrigation, Soil Monitoring, and more.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us build a thriving IoT ecosystem in Santa Rosa.
Our mission is to provide the entire Santa Rosa area with free, community-owned Internet of Things (IoT) data connectivity based on a Long Range Wide-Area Network (LoRaWAN). The network is free and based on an open-source stack managed and owned by the community.
With this resource, community members can design, build and test devices and applications for a wide range of use cases like Air Qua…
Official community
And 13 contributors.
Show allThe Santa Rosa Community's 2nd gateway is up and running at 180 Studios off Todd Rd in South Santa Rosa . 3 more are in the planning stage.
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The Things Network Santa Rosa (TTN_Santa Rosa) has been quite busy since its inception in April. We're actively setting up network infrastructure, ma…
The first node on the #sanatrosa community TTN is GPS tracker designed to integrate with TTN-Mapper for generating location versus RSSI. Click here t…
#santarosa Slack channel was created to serve the Santa Rosa TTN Community. The channel is in the Things Network Slack Workspace. To join our local c…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
edw is now part of Santa Rosa community
There is a new published community nearby (Berkeley)
The Things Network Santa Rosa got its 10th member
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
Congratulations! Today is the 6-month anniversary of the community!
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